It's late-late summer and the hydrangeas are fading and turning into lace. The other day we had a brief moment to take a walk and spot the butterflies before they disappear.
I was given an African Violet plant a few weeks ago, and it just started blossoming. I've been so busy, I haven't taken the time to learn how to care for it, but so far both house and garden plants seem to like it best when I mostly leave them alone.
The nights have been getting a little cooler, and we enjoy lighting candles in the evening when we get home late after play rehearsal. We recently moved most of our books from our little study/work room to shelves in our living room . In the evening, with the candles lit, it makes our living space a lot more cozy.
Hope your September is going well!
Ohhhh, I miss acting. I am glad African violets work for you... I don't have enough sunlight in my home, but they are lovely. Have a wonderful, splendid fall. I think I'll light a candle now, too.