Thursday, May 2, 2019

Jupiter Time

Steven and I took spring break to pet-sit Jupiter. He's about 10 months old now. This was the most time we spent with him since he showed up on our door step last August. He was adopted by my parents and they love him. He also thinks they're the greatest people in the world. He's not a fan of cuddling or sitting on laps, but he wants to be with his people and watch what they're doing at all times. His motto is "Don't tell me what to do." That's our boy. We're very proud of him.

I loved seeing Dad's plant babies. When Jupiter went to live with my parents they put all their house plants outside and in the garage. Some of these plants are non-toxic to cats, but they didn't want to risk it because Jupiter is into everything. I could absolutely seeing him eat an entire spider plant in one sitting. Now that it's summer, Dad's trying to bring the plants back to life. It looks like he's doing a great job. He's certainly done a great job raising Jupiter.

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